Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Hunger Games
The hunger games movie was a very good movie. Jackson, Joshua, Kellen, Morgan, Erin, Lauren and I all went to the movie together. I had to try and finish reading the book right before we went to the movie. We left right after school and headed to AMC Traders Point. We all were able to sit next to each other. Some People hadn't read the book yet. We all had a lot of fun together and enjoyed the movie. There were a couple parts in the movie that made us jump and we kept laughing! Over all we had great time together and the movie was great!

Christmas Party
     During Christmas break Morgan had a big Christmas party. The whole entire grade was invited. The first thing we did was we went caroling at Park Manor and Brownsburg Meadows Nursing homes. We walked through all of the hallways singing to everyone. We also passed out candy canes to anybody who wanted one. After we were done caroling we went back to Morgan's house. We all hung out together in the basement. We had music going and we played wii and hide and go seek and musical chairs. We had a lot of fun being all together. Once it started getting to the end of the party we started playing a game where we jumped over each other using the trampoline. We had a lot of fun trying to trust each other and figure out who was the farthest jumper. Once the party was all over we were very tired but still had a really fun night.


     This blog is about all of my favorite 7th grade memories. I thought that this year was really fun. One of my most favorite memories was Chicago.
     We left TPCA at 6:45. This trip was a 2 days 1 night trip. We were all exhausted but still could not settle down in the bus. On the bus ride there all of the girls sat together in two seats and took pictures.We all had a lot of fun together on the bus but it was about a three hour drive.
     Once we got to Chicago we went to the Museum of Science and Industry. While we were there we got to see a Mythbusters demonstration with Isaac Byely being one of the volunteers. They tested to see if Isaac could dodge a paint ball. He was able to, and had the fastest reaction time. After we got to see the Mythbusters we went to an exhibit called the Smart Home. This was a complete eco-friendly home designed for people to actually live in! Once we were done looking around at that we went to the a planetarium where we watched a documentary about trains and railroads. Once all of that was done we loaded the bus and headed to our hotel. We arrived at the hotel a little late due to the traffic. All of the girls got put in the same room together and we were very excited. We only had about 15 minutes in the hotel until we had to go back on the bus to go to Medieval Times. We had a lot of fun there and got to scream as much as we wanted to. We all were put on the same team and cheered for our knight. Once we had all lost our voices and the show was over we loaded the bus again. We headed back to the hotel and had a 11:00 lights out rule.

Day 2
     The next day we woke up at 5:00 and got ready and headed to breakfast. Once we were all done eating we loaded the bus and went to Jesus People USA. We helped people watch their kids, carry bags up from the basement, and helped people find clothes they needed. We did that all morning. Once we finished up there we headed to Navy Pier to eat lunch. We ate lunch very fast and then headed the shops and ferris wheel. We all loved the ferris wheel because it was so high. After we were done at Navy Pier we went to the  last place we were going to go. We went to Shedd aquarium. We walked around for a long time and looked at all the different fish. After we were done there we left Shedd Aquarium and headed back to Indianapolis. We finally arrived back at the school at around 9:00. We all had very fun together but we were very tired from all of the walking.